Time to Bloom
Time to Bloom
Spring is long gone, but I am still blooming…
I watch your petals fall slowly over time
Day by day
Until there were none
Nothing left but green
I remember when you were stark and bare
It was cold out
I watched the buds develop
And feared it was too early
But you knew the right time to bloom
And the white petals bloomed
They brought me fragrant joy
Daily as I passed by
A masked journey
Leading me to the
Funk of underground
Drenched in stale piss and smoke odors
Now there is nothing left but green
Signs of a new season
A new season, where self-acceptance reigns supreme
Where lies fall like petals from the tree of life
Leaving nothing behind but the truth
Shining with a multitude of colors
Bright like a rainbow after the storm I’ve just been through
The storm of hiding and shame
The storm of self-hate and un-acceptance
of talking in circles even to self because the truth is
scary when you are a people pleaser
and your truth doesn’t please the people
Just like the tree knows when it’s time to bloom
You now know too that it’s time to break free
Free from your self produced cage
Break free
Fly bird fly
No one is holding you back but yourself
You cannot worry about the people
They are not yours to please
Only God
And God made you in Gods likeness
And so Gods is already pleased
Because God is without fault
Which means you are a masterpiece
Just as you are
Even with your earthly faults
But who YOU are as a human being is NOT one of those faults
The only fault in your star my love would be for you to not love
the being
That God created you to be
So be her
Love how you were created to love
Live the life you were predestined to live
Change with the seasons
Know when it’s your time to bloom
and let your shame fall like the petals as the summer draws
live your truth always and only your truth
You cannot live for anyone else but you