Still Morning
A quiet still morning in a semi clean house and a brand new candle can lead to a lot of things, including, a few new scribbles.
Warm and cuddled on my couch
In the crisp fall air
In my sunlit great room
With the sound of planes wizzing by overhead
and cars on the otherwise quiet streets on a still Sunday morning
Coffee and whisky scented candle flickers in the background providing no extra warmth
but the smells waft up my nasal cavity and it is pleasing to my soul
Faint suggestions of last nights happenings strewn about…
A book, a poem, covered dinner rolls, a cup of forks…
The kettle whistle’s its call
A cup of tea?
To add honey or not
Just a spoonful
A sweet treat
A gift from the bees
A dip, a stir
The ritual of it all and then
Patience my dear
Don’t burn your tongue
Be still
On this still morning
Planes wizzing overhead
Whisky and coffee smells wafting up your nostrils
now joined by cinnamon and apple ahhh autumn and the crisp air
This still morning
Now take a sip.