Just let me heal
Everything doesn’t need a label to be healed
Just let me scream into the abyss
Let me feel the pain
Then allow me to release it
In ways that are productive
And healthy
For me internally and externally
Let me ride the waves of emotion
Let me feel the feels
Allow me to just heal
It doesn’t have to be bipolar
Depression or addiction
It doesn’t need an axis
Or even a prescription
Just let me be and feel
And live and see
The pain is constant
All I want is to be free
It doesn’t always need a label
For healing to occur
Just let me ride the waves and feel
The sun soak into my skin
Let the wind blow through my Afro puffs
The sand seep between my toes
Let nature mute the voices
Allow me to heal inside my heart
Where the pain lives
Allow my brain to slow down where the train tracks run in multiple directions
Let me live and love and learn
How to grow roots
Like the trees planted
Where it’s safe to thrive
Internally and externally
Just let me be
Let me heal without a label
Just let me heal